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Architect Julia Morgan’s
Early Years

Julia Morgan in High School

Julia Morgan, High School (1887-1890)

Photo Credit: Julia Morgan Papers,
Special Collections and Archives,
California Polytechnic State University.

Julia Morgan was born 152 years ago, on January 20, 1872. How did a young girl, born in the Victorian era when marriage and family were all she could hope for, become a legendary architect? Defying all expectations for girls, Julia chose her own path and succeeded brilliantly.

I am  delighted to share the story of young Julia Morgan with you in Drawing Outside the Lines: A Julia Morgan Novel, Spark Press, 2022.

Drawing Outside the Lines book cover

Mrs. Dalloways, for signed and personalized copies
Barnes & Noble
Powell’s Books

For ages 10 and up
Published by SparkPress (Tempe, AZ)

The old typewriter
Photo credit: Stonehenge Designs